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Want to get school credits for working on energy projects on campus?? Check out what we are up to!


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Current/Future Opportunities available with the MEP:




News & Publications


Welcome to the MEP!


The McGill Energy Project is a student initiative that collaborates with faculty and staff to createapplied research projects focused on McGill’s energy use. It seeks to use these projects to help drive McGill towards a sustainable future and provide participants with the skills and confidence needed to tackle energy systems outside the walls of their University. It further aims to strengthen student-faculty-staff relationships, as well as build an energy conscious community on campus.

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McGill's Electric Snowmobile Wins during the Clean Snowmobile Challenge


McGill University of Montreal, Canada won the Zero Emissions, or electric, category of the challenge last weekend at Michigan Technological University's Keweenaw Research Center.

McGill University of Montreal, Canada won the Zero Emissions, or electric, category of the challenge, which wrapped up competition with acceleration, load test and handling events last weekend at Michigan Technological University's Keweenaw Research Center.







Schneider Electric Energy University


Like to learn about energy but don't want to pay those pesky university bills? Then Schneider Electric Energy University is the place for yoU!










Interested in getting credit for doing research on energy consumption? CHECK THIS OUT


We are currently looking for motivated students with experience in lab research, energy efficiency, organizational behavior, and/or environmental studies.


Students will work with professors and university staff to investigate how to combine behavioral science with energy analytics to make the best use of data provided by an energy management information system and transform these data into action.


Please contact Christopher Tegho at  if you are interested in participating in this applied student research project.









Celebrate the New Year with Québec's Awesome Incentives for Electric Car Use!


Starting today the Government of Québec begins its incentives for residents to purchase and use electric cars! As of January 1, 2014, residents can enroll in the Drive Electric program and get a rebate of up to $4000 on the purchase or lease of an eligible electric car! Better still - the program offers up to $800 in rebates from charging stations. 


Examples of models supported: Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi iMiEV, Chevrolet Volt, and specific Toyota Prius models.











MEP and Pulse Energy at CODEJAM!


MEP has gotten special permission to open up the Pulse Energy API to this year's Code Jam participants. Details on the winning projects to come soon.












The McGill Waste Project - DIY Applied Research Project


Our Friends at the McGill Waste Project would like to get you involved! Follow the link to a collaborative M(x)P product: a do-it-yourself Applied Research Project package that will help you translate your interests in sustainability into high-leverage projects.


The McGill Waste Project's first goal is to raise awareness about the issue of waste at McGill.











Help support McGill’s first Chem-E Car Team!


The Chem-E Car competition, hosted by the American Institute of Chemical. Engineers (AIChE), challenges students to design and build a car powered solely by a chemical energy source. The competition gives undergraduate students with a background in chemical engineering a chance to apply principles taught in the classroom, to real problems associated with developing green technology. Students from universities across the globe are brought together with professionals and the R&D sector to share innovative ideas for the future. This year, a core team of 15 undergraduate engineering students from McGill, overseen by chemical engineering professors, aim to take McGill to the national Chem-E Car competition for the first time ever.











RBC & B+H  Evolve Sustainable Design Competition


B+H Architects, along with their competition sponsor RBC, is once again running the Evolve Sustainable Design Competition. The competition is open to university students in architecture, engineering, and related programs across Canada, who will work together in multi-disciplinary teams to design a sustainable sports institute.

Through this design challenge, we are inviting students to be a part of designing the future. An expert jury, including representatives from B+H and RBC along with industry leaders, will review and evaluate submissions based on how they address the specific issues of the design challenge. The winning team will receive a cash prize of $5,000, the first runner-up will receive $3,500 and the second runner-up $2,500.











McGill Energy Project - ScotiaBank EcoLiving Award Nominee - Student Leadership


In the summer of 2012, the McGill Energy Project (MEP) partnered with the Associate Director of Facilities, Buildings Operations & Development for McGill Residences, David Balcombe to search for an alternative way to produce hot water for summer occupants of three Upper Residence buildings (McConnell, Molson, and Gardner). Currently, their  hot water heaters operate on steam, which – while great in the winter – is inefficient in the summer when steam demand is low. Mr. Balcombe was interested in exploring the use of a thermal solar system, but was unsure of whether it would be feasible given the climate and buildings in question. The MEP set up and supported two for-credit applied student research projects to help  inform  this decision.











Écotech Québec Interactive Map


In its first edition, Ã‰cotech Québec’s interactive map presents innovative companies and Quebec research organisations specialized in clean technologies. Equipped with a search engine, the map allows you to navigate by category (air, energy, water, residual materials and land) or by region.


In order to create this map, Écotech Québec used a compilation of around a thousand environmental companies from the Ministère du Développement Économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation (MDEIE) many of which (approximately 1,300 companies) were also present in the Icriq data base (Environnement du Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ).




2014 McGill Energy Project

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